CFA or Charter financial analyst is a USA based designation recognised worldwide for investment analysis domain. Since USA has the more than 50% of the world equity market CFA obviously is more revered in US market than anywhere else. In India the CFA was entangled in lots of legal problems when people were trying to appear for the exams. I have known people who appeared for the test in 90's when there were no course study only guideline curriculum.
the days have gone now a days CFA provides the course study material included in the exam fees. It gives two options of hard printed material or soft copy downloaded from Vital source. Soft copy is cheaper by $20 but its tedious to read and use as its not many book-reader friendly. Once can print only 170 pages at a time and not allowed to zoom in zoom out either. The basic search does not work properly with very basic kind of notes can be jotted down. I would suggest soft copy as a additional purchase who want to study material during office hours or in transit. This can also be used by returning students who already have books from last year.
Printed books quality of the CFA exams is one of the best, one can always keep the books as reference on the top shelf of the office, it always shows off knowledge of the person. For Indians most important thing about CFA exam is the fees. We need to pay fees in dollars and rupee is all time low against dollar. It may seem a paltry sum in US to pay $1000 fees its huge for Indian students. At least when Indian students are not getting any concession for having English as second language. they are competing with all of the world on the equal grounds ate least for fees CFA should provide concession. The good news is after CFAI got permission from AICTE for conducting exams it has already rolled out the scholarship program in India.
The basic structure of the program consists of professors in graduate institutions having right to nominate maximum of 6 students year for CFA exam. These students get the exam fees waived off and only need to pay for material fees. Now the problem is the professor needs to be a CFA holder too which is a very rare case in India. So what these institutes in India do? They can hire CFA charter holders as board faculty which has official status. they need to pay monthly salary to these faculties, and need to teach some minimum hours a month. CFA recognises these professors as eligible for nominating the students for Scholarship.
Or CFAI can rope in eminent faculties holding the CA degrees in India so as to increase the base of CFA in India. Lets see what happens next in this space.
the days have gone now a days CFA provides the course study material included in the exam fees. It gives two options of hard printed material or soft copy downloaded from Vital source. Soft copy is cheaper by $20 but its tedious to read and use as its not many book-reader friendly. Once can print only 170 pages at a time and not allowed to zoom in zoom out either. The basic search does not work properly with very basic kind of notes can be jotted down. I would suggest soft copy as a additional purchase who want to study material during office hours or in transit. This can also be used by returning students who already have books from last year.
Printed books quality of the CFA exams is one of the best, one can always keep the books as reference on the top shelf of the office, it always shows off knowledge of the person. For Indians most important thing about CFA exam is the fees. We need to pay fees in dollars and rupee is all time low against dollar. It may seem a paltry sum in US to pay $1000 fees its huge for Indian students. At least when Indian students are not getting any concession for having English as second language. they are competing with all of the world on the equal grounds ate least for fees CFA should provide concession. The good news is after CFAI got permission from AICTE for conducting exams it has already rolled out the scholarship program in India.
The basic structure of the program consists of professors in graduate institutions having right to nominate maximum of 6 students year for CFA exam. These students get the exam fees waived off and only need to pay for material fees. Now the problem is the professor needs to be a CFA holder too which is a very rare case in India. So what these institutes in India do? They can hire CFA charter holders as board faculty which has official status. they need to pay monthly salary to these faculties, and need to teach some minimum hours a month. CFA recognises these professors as eligible for nominating the students for Scholarship.
Or CFAI can rope in eminent faculties holding the CA degrees in India so as to increase the base of CFA in India. Lets see what happens next in this space.